FAQ for HW1

Last modified: July 9, 2002 12:14:21 PM PDT

  • When I compile my code, I get some warning about deprecated ...
  • Is there anything special I should know about the way Java handles ...
  • How do we submit the assignment?
  • How do I check if a line is a comment line?
  • If I make a table cell with colspan greater than 1000, my browser ...
  • Can an event end at midnight (i.e., 12:00 AM)?
  • If I submit at 1:00AM past the deadline, am I an hour late or ...

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    When I compile my code, I get some warning about deprecated methods. Should I worry about this?


    Yes. Deprecated methods are no good - don't use them. They are probably coming from the Date class. Any of the deprecated methods that you wanted to call in the Date class can be performed by the DateFormat or Calendar classes. Please see Java API 1.4 for information about these classes.
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    Is there anything special I should know about the way Java handles dates?


    Yes, there is. Apparently, Java numbers the months from 0-11, rather than 1-12. Be careful! Thanks to Rebekah Vikrey for this faq.
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    How do we submit the assignment?


    Read the documentation file /usr/class/cs193j/bin/README-submit or see the link from the main course webpage.
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    How do I check if a line is a comment line?


    We know a comment line starts with "#" There is a method in the String class that tests exactly that, i.e., a method in String returns true if it "startsWith" a given string (hint hint)
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    If I make a table cell with colspan greater than 1000, my browser is not happy. What can I do to assuage that?


    The easiest solution is to follow the advice in the assignment handout and round everything to 5-minute multiples. This way you are guaranteed that have all table cells with colspan less than 1000. Other solutions are possible as well, but this is probably the simplest.
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    Can an event end at midnight (i.e., 12:00 AM)?


    No, as specified in the handout, events cannot stretch over into the next day, and an event that ended at midnight would be encroaching on the next day's time. All events will end at the latest 23:59.
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    If I submit at 1:00AM past the deadline, am I an hour late or a day late?


    Submitting an assignment at anytime after the deadline but before the midnight of the second day is considered one day late; if you have free late days you just used up one.
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